We are here to prove that a locally sourced and ethically produced Cola made of untreated and eco-friendly ingredients can exist and survive and still taste good and is refreshing.
We want to make a change by changing our cola
The idea was born when we wanted a change in our daily life´s, creating more awareness of what we consume on a daily base but without missing out on the cool stuff that we enjoyed when we were more careless about what we ate and drank. Sounds like a real stretch but now it isn’t any more.
We developed a drink that is still tasty and refreshing as well ethically produced with locally sourced ingredients but without the massive amounts of sugar, stabilizers, citric phosphoric acids and other non-beneficial ingredients. The tincture or “flavour mix”, which gives Cape Cola its unique taste consists of 18 different ingredients. To keep the Cape Cola syrup sweet we use Stevia and Birch Xylitol instead of ordinary sugar.
We created Cape Cola with a South African twist by adding honey bush to it. We use real Cola Nuts and Yerba Mate gives Cape Cola 50% of its caffeine. A stunning 80% of the “flavour mix” is made of the actual fruits and plants and herbs. The real deal!
We want all ingredients to be the “real deal” 100% made of actuals herbs, plants and fruits
Cape Cola is the real first alternative soda to the mainstream beverages out there. A one of the kind product made in an ethical way. The entire process from the herb into the bottle has to be as sustainable as possible. We will only fill 0.33 l glass bottles which are not designed for our purpose only. Meaning that it is a standard product which is used by others as well. Therefore, cheaper in cost and more environmental friendly. One of our main goals is to implement a system of refundable bottles and crates. We want to keep the distances between all stations of the production line short to save fuel on transport and to reduce our carbon footprint.