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Become a supporter


Our Project is still in its infancy – but we are about to start walking. For now our aims are quite simple. We want to reach out to you and leave a first impression – become known and getting first feedback for Cape Cola and our project. We are at a stage where every kind of support is very helpful and much appreciated.

How you can support Cape Cola and our Vision

You share our vision – The fair taste – and believe in the power of regional and fair produced goods and want to support us? If, yes – below are some easy things you can do to help us. We also would love to hear from you and are super keen to listen to your suggestion and ideas. Share your thoughts with us. Thank you for your support!

  • Follow @capecola on Social Media: You will find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Every “like” and “share” as well as your comments are much welcomed. It will help us to become known and reach out better to our customers.
  • Spread the word: Spread the word and tell all your friends and families about Cape Cola.
  • Support Cape Cola financially: If you like to support Cape Cola financially we will highly appreciate any donation via PayPal. Any amount will contribute towards achieving our goals and spread Cape Cola’s vision of a fair and sustainable beverage.
  • Subscribe to our mailing list and stay tuned!

Join the Cape Cola Supporters Team

You feel the above is just not enough and you want to do more, then join our exclusive support team. As a member of our Supporters Team you can do many things to help Cape Cola grow, like assisting us at promotions and interact with our customers as our brand ambassador. You will be on our side from the very beginning. Together with us you will experience all the ups and downs of this exciting journey. Become part of it, see the impact and tell our story. If this is still not enough to get you going, refresh yourself with an ice-cold Cape Cola and receive exclusive promotional gear.

You share our passion and believe in the idea and want to tell the story of a Fair Taste? Then contact us right now! Please send us an Email to and describe yourself and why you want to join the Supporters Team and become a Cape Cola Brand ambassador!

We really appreciate your support!

Your Cape Cola Team